
鹿野耕云留言 | 贡献2022年12月6日 (二) 21:51的版本 (创建页面,内容为“// en:MediaWiki:Gadget-edittop.js // ********************************************************************** // ** ***WARNING GLOBAL GADGET FILE*** ** // ** changes to this file affaect many users. ** // ** please discuss on the talk page before editing ** // ** ** // *****************************************************…”)
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// [[en:MediaWiki:Gadget-edittop.js]]

// **********************************************************************
// **                 ***WARNING GLOBAL GADGET FILE***                 **
// **             changes to this file affaect many users.             **
// **           please discuss on the talk page before editing         **
// **                                                                  **
// **********************************************************************
// Imported from [[:en:User:Alex Smotrov/edittop.js]], version as of: 2007-06-19T04:28:52
// Updated from [[:en:User:TheDJ/Gadget-edittop.js]], version as of: 2009-04-28T11:54:22

if ($.inArray(mw.config.get('wgAction'), ['view', 'purge']) !== -1 && mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') >= 0) {
	$(function edittop_hook() {
		localtitles.zh = localtitles['zh-hans'] = localtitles['zh-cn'] = localtitles['zh-sg'] = localtitles['zh-my'] = '编辑首段';
		localtitles['zh-hant'] = localtitles['zh-hk'] = localtitles['zh-mo'] = localtitles['zh-tw'] = '編輯首段';

		var our_content = $('#content, #mw_content').first();
		var span1 = our_content.find('').first();
		if (!span1.length) return;
		var span0 = span1.clone();

		$('#mw_header h1, #content h1').first().append(span0);
		span0.find('a').each(function(idx) {
			var a = $(this);
			var href = a.attr('href') || '';
			a.attr('title', localtitles[mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')] || localtitles.zh);
			if (!/&(ve|)section=T/.test(href)) { // not transcluded
				a.attr('href', href.replace(/&(ve|)section=\d+/, '&$1section=0&summary=/*%20top%20*/%20'))
			} else if (/&vesection=/.test(href)) { // transcluded, VE
				a.attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) + '?veaction=edit&vesection=0&summary=/*%20top%20*/%20')
			} else { // transcluded, not VE
				a.attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) + '?action=edit&section=0&summary=/*%20top%20*/%20')